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00:00 / 03:44

This should have been a crossroads

for us to build,

to pull together

as a virus killed


We owe it to each other

to inspect attempts

how trust and panic

unraveled events


Arrogance swelled

in crushing amounts,

unmasking the selfish

in public accounts


Two weeks became months

and then years,

adjusting to strains

among our peers


Decades of effort

for the war were employed,

in a global endeavor

to flee this void


Remedies arrived

and guided lots,

but didn’t sway

enough by loss


This could have been a crossroads

for common ground,

but acid fell flocks

that charged as they drowned


Fanatics fanned delusion

of carnage unhindered,

concluding mandates

were existence rescinded


If we didn’t band here

we might never again,

if we can’t admit proof,

we’ll seal our own end


This could have been a crossroads

to assess disparity

in hospitals, clinics,

outreach and charity


Affluent to third world

the problems repeated,

from staffing and resources

to reserves depleted


Most governments reacted

how you’d think,

with the efficient resilient,

and the rest on the brink


The vulnerable were hit hardest,

because of course they were;

they’re usually the first

to come last through the door


This crisis turned a spotlight

where society has regressed,

as neighborhoods fail

from needs unmet


This was not a crossroads,

despite dire omens,

locked in cycles

with perspective stolen


It’s disappointing on levels

rewritten each surge,

as burnout crippled

the spur to emerge


We were urged to look

beyond ourselves,

to fill our hearts

amid empty shelves


Someone’s concern

was another’s neglect,

with shades of mercy

but absent respect


The slightest regard

for occasional concession

disfigured compassion

as all out repression


This might have been a crossroads,

if we listened close,

and avoided cures

prescribed by post


We had to balance

living and exposure,

our station in life,

and duties shouldered


Financial distress

penned too many plans,

reopening in spite of

what we didn’t understand


Years from now

when we analyze this,

will we realize the chance

we clearly missed


Will upheaval teach us

if next time’s worse

in what should have been a crossroads

but set us in reverse

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